Outpatient referrals
Dr Phuong sees children (<18 years) with suspected or confirmed infections. She often sees referrals from GP, other medical subspecialists and surgeons.
These may include children with unusual or recurring infections, fevers in returned travellers and those requiring specialist vaccination advice.
Our team appreciates referrals with:
a summary of the issue of concern
accompanying investigation results
an attached vaccination history (including from AIR) is often also helpful.
To refer patients for paediatric infectious diseases specialist review, our team accepts referrals via Argus net, Healthlink and by fax.
Argus: unyokedhealth@argusnet.com
Healthlink: unyokedhPlease include the required information as outlined above- this will help us triage your referral more efficiently.
Please contact our rooms by phone- if you haven’t heard back within one week of sending your referral.
With sufficient information contained within each referral, we aim to triage and acknowledge each referral within 1-3 business days of receipt. We can then allocate an appointment date/ time.
Yes, depending on the nature of the referral (and presenting complaint)- Dr Phuong would be happy to see patients via telehealth.
Inpatient referrals
Dr Phuong has admitting rights at Cabrini Malvern and at Epworth Health (Richmond), under her ‘paediatric infectious diseases’ bed card.
Any patients requiring inpatient care need to be admitted via the usual processes through the respective Emergency Departments at Cabrini Malvern or Epworth Richmond. Once reviewed with appropriate work-up by the ED team, clinicians are contacted for discussion about management and to determine the right admitting bed card.
If you are a referring GP, with a concern for a child with a suspected infection (or associated infectious diseases diagnosis), please provide:
a summary of the issue of concern
accompanying investigation results
past medical history including medications/ allergies/ immunisation status
Dr Phuong does not charge an out-of-pocket ‘gap’ for inpatient consultations. All other costs will be billed directly to the patient’s insurer.